My mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last halloween. she was given 4 months
we dont have any nurses out or anything when they call to see how shes doing she says she is fine
over the last few days her back has got very sore
is this because of her cancer and should i get a doctor out to the house or an ambulance or what/?
its just me and her
im 16 and i have school tomorrow so i want to know what to do TODAY
thanksNeed quick advice about mums cancer and pain?
Oh Sweetheart, I am so incredibly sorry, My mom passed away last Wednesday of pancreatic cancer. I know how scared you are. I really suggest that you get some help. YOU cannot do this alone. there has to be some hospice or cancer support group where you live. Call them and tell them whats going on. I think you may have to miss school and be your moms help today. Good luck to you, be brave and I wish I could help you myself!
Also if you can't find help, take her to the hospital, they will help you.Need quick advice about mums cancer and pain?
you have lived with your mum long enough to know if her pain level has changed, and if you feel that it has, you need to contact her care providers asap Pancreatic cancer is very painful and from what you wrote, she could be nearing the end if she was given 4 months in October. You did not mention what type of pain medication she is on, but surely she is on something. You have to be her advocate, and take charge if she needs something changed. If she is spending a lot of time in bed on her back, she could also be developing a pressure sore which will need attention. Call somebody, call the ones who call to see how she is doing and tell them that something has changed and you need more support
Granny's advice is very good advice. Call her oncologist or home health nurse and let them know about the pain, Tell them approximately when it started and how severe you think it may be. Insist that the source be investigated at once. It sounds like you have been appointed as your Mum's primary care provider, too much stress and responsibility for you to bear alone. But if that is how it has to be, then so be it, but you are going to have to think like the adult in this situation. You call the shots, you are the 'PIT BULL';, her advocate. She is in pain and you want help for her NOW! No one should have to suffer pain particularly in her case. And she may say not to call but this is one of those times that you will need to go over her head and do it anyhow. If you can't reach her doctor or home health nurse, try calling your local hospital ER nurse. They can either tell you to bring her right in, they can send a squad for assistance or transport if necessary. But make the call.
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