i like to stay on the phone with my bf even though we barely have anything to talk about but ask each other about our days like did you eat yet and ect. he move to live far away but he come to visit me every month. everytime we talk on the phone i try to find things to say so that we both will not be quiet and boring. but he seems to think the questions i ask is annoying . what should i do? :/PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE about talking on the phone with my bf?
My (now) husband and I dated for 5 years before we married and 4 years of that was long distance. When I first left for college we felt like we had to talk every day for hours...just to listen to each other breathe. Soon we found out that we could talk every few days and we would be just fine. Even then we found that shorter conversations were okay, they actually helped us to appreciate each other more.
It's okay to give each other some space, go meet some new friends, have some fun apart. Then you'll both be more interesting when you get back together on the phone or in person. I'm not saying to cheat on him, I'm just saying that your life doesn't have to revolve around him right now. It's actually better if it doesn't. Become your own person apart from him and your relationship will be even stronger later if he's the right one for you. My husband and I will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary this year. Don't let anyone tell you long distance relationships can't work. They work if they are meant to work! Best wishes!PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE about talking on the phone with my bf?
phone relationships are near impossible. you love the company you have when you're together, but the phone thing sucks...trust me, I do it every week until teh weekends when I get to be with mine. and we've done this for over 2 years now. I used to get upset that we had nothing to say. But when we're together, we dont shut up. So I learned not to get so upset about it...if you have a good relationship off of the phone, theres no reason you can't cut up your phone times in half...maybe talk when youre days are done, talk or shoot a text mid evening, and then talk again for a few mintues before you head to bed. Thats kind of what I do now, and although it's not ideal; we get what we want tosay uot of it, minus the pressure to try to come up with things to talk about just to stay on the phone longer.
I know not everyone can do it but be creative and use your mind. Personally I like the scenario questions like, ';Which one would you rather be trapped in your room with, a fully grown male lion or a grizzly bear? What would you do?'; or if you where a fruit which one would you be?
Everyone has there own opinion which can led to some interesting fun conversations.
Although, long distance conversions are hard to do, communicating effectively is very important. You should worry so much about what you're not saying but what is being said between you two. Is not about how long you talk on the phone for, its about what you talk about that is real to make this relationship work!
The moments where you would be quiet and boring are the moments when you would hold each other when words are useless. That makes the distance hurt.
I had a similar problem where I hated talking on the phone with my gf. So, on a number of occasions, I would drive 34 miles round trip, spend an hour or two and always found something to talk about...usually between kisses, our love for each other. Your feelings intact, the life experiences you have where you live and those that he has where he lives cannot be mutually shared due to basic geography. Shared bodily warmth is lost as well due to proximity.
What should you do? In a perfect world, cut the distance as much as humanly possible.
Maybe you should not call him for a little while and let him call you and miss you. That way you can let him miss you and realize that you are just trying to keep things going. Men really start kissing your butt when they think they are going to lose you..... or they do not talk to you anymore because they wanted to dump you. Either way you will find out where you stand and whether or not he is worth your time.
try talking about wat u like and ask him to the movies e.g like ';theres a new movie called _____ you want to come and watch it with me or like i like ___ and he talks and u say something... and remember these are things to help you not to say to him directly and also use your common sense.
Write a alist of somethings you could talk about so you don't have awful gaps in the conversation.
Play hard to get ... ';oh, I have to go, my friend is here/dinner is ready'; etc. Make out he's not so important in your life (without being too off). You don't want him to find you annoying, or he'll do a runner. Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen.
do the question game. thats how i really got to knoe my bf.
you ask a question first and then he asks you one.
you'll find some pretty funny stuff to (believe me).
if he doesnt like that then maybe you should tell him to figure something out since ur tryin to make a conversation w/him.
but most the time, the question thing works, jus dont let him ask you the same questions unless you want to.makes the game funner.
Ask him what he likes about you. If you were to send him picture of your self what would you be wearing, how would you be posing, I mean seriously if you don't get much imput from him with a question like that, maybe your barking up the wrong tree.
just talk about your day and hopefully you can find something to talk about frim there. such as somehting that someone said. or maybe if your talking about a class in school, start discussing a book or a movie that you were reminded of.
How old are you? long distance relationships rarely last. I would end it if I were you, but as for the phone, just stop talking when there is nothing left to say, and call back when there is. Sounds like you are wearing out your phone welcome.
i think its cute when its silent.
but it depends on what you ask him.
i dont know, its hard to talk on the phone with guys.
easier to talk on the phone with yo girlfriends.
A lot of guys,me included, do not like to spend a lot of time on the phone. texting and e-mailing seems to go smoother. try it
And probably the most important advice of all,
';Boy, you be sure you got on clean underwear, in case you're in an accident';.
try getting off the phone, the more ur not annoying him with questions the more eager he will be to talk to you on the phone
Well if you guys are in a serious relationship talk about the future or about his past. Play 20 questions, flirt with him a bit
Try talking about yourself.
hmmm, talk about movies, music, etc. ask him questions that you have starred on here. what movies have ever made him cry etc. idk just throwing some things out there.
play a game on the phone..... like battle ship just do things diff ask questions not just about his day how he is doing what is he thinking stuff like that
phone sex!!
Just talk until he talks back
quit talkin. de de de
Have an affair... that should give you plenty to talk about...
dont call him
im thinkin ur not a good match if u cant even hold a conversation
tak about ur day
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