Hi im currently a signal mum of 3 youngest being 8 weeks oldest being 5 im on state benifits at precent but looking to move back into work. i was just wondering if anyone knows what i will be entitled to and how much help i get with child care rent ect if any?Some advice about going back to work pls?
If you have seen the recent news reports you'll know that the government is bringing in new legislation that will 'force' single parents back into work once their youngest child is 7:
Obviously you have a long way to go until then, so you might want to see about getting more qualifications. Colleges and universities have bursaries to help out those on low incomes and many also have day-care for students with young children.
I continued my education when my children were small, gaining a degree which enabled me to go on and teach one day a week at a college of FE.
The government website has information regarding what sort of help you can expect with childcare costs etc. If you pop along to your local Jobcentre they should be very helpful.
As your baby is only 8 weeks old, do think long and hard before deciding to go back to work. I went back from maternity leave when my daughter was 3 months old, I missed her cutting her first tooth and all sorts of other milestones. I gave up work after a year of missing her 'firsts' and have worked part-time and from home since so I can be here when my children get home. I don't care what people say about stay-at-home mums, nobody can look after my children better than I can.
Don't feel pressured into doing something you don't feel comfortable doing.
But if you do decide to go back to work, that's fine too. I have friends who have children in day-care while they work and their children are very well-adjusted and outgoing. Day-care is excellent for the development of social skills.
I'm lucky, my husband supports us while I raise our family, not everyone has that security and I think it's admirable that you want to do the best for your children.
Do try and also get child support from your childrens' father though will you, you didn't make them on your own.
Another thing to consider is, if you do go back to work sooner rather than later, it'll be much easier for you to remain in work and gain promotions etc. Some of my 'stay-at-home mum' friends had a terrible time getting back into the workplace with such a big gap in employment on their CV. So going back to work now will benefit you in that respect.
The very best of luck with whatever you choose to do.
xxSome advice about going back to work pls?
good on you... its tough being a single mum and working, but i think it sets agood example to your kids and although you are knackered, you can hold your head up high.
your baby is very young yet though, are you able to manage financially for a little longer whilst its so little, maybe just till 6 months.
dont listen to the childminder horror stories, ive worked and had to use nurseries and childminders over the years..and they have all been great...if you have good intuition about people listen to that, you can find good childcare.
the help you can get really depends on your individual circumstances, ie how much you think you can earn. If you will be working for minimal wage, you will get quite good top ups with working family tax credit and help towards childcare, quite substantial help at that. obviously if you have a qualification and can work for higher pay the benefits decrease but can still be a big help. do you own your property? is it council? if rented or council you may still be entitled to some housing benefit and of course council tax benefit. you may also qualify for free childcare ata sure start nursery. It really is worth a visit to benefits/back to work office to get accurate figures.
the best of luck to you and your family.x
I don't know the exact figres but there is a lot of help out there for you. Speak to your local job centre and the citizens advice beuru. You will get help with childcare through the tax credits. There is also the lone parent new deal thing which helps you out with things like the first months childcare.
Well done for wanting to get back to work - you will feel better for it!
Seek lots of advice and make sure you know what you'll be able to claim help with - the help is there for a reason. Working just over 16 hours a week is your best bet.
All the best and congrats on the new baby!
Kelly, being a single mum doesn't indicate you are in this position of your choosing or that you haven't been married- so please ignore those that are not being nice about it. The governments new proposal is that as soon as your youngest reaches seven now means you will have to go back to work so i think its a good idea for you to try if only part time.- Please go to your benefits office and they will give you all the info you need and they will give you an advisor who will work out for you whether it pays you to go back or not. Good Luck and good on you girl. Theres more to life than being tied to the kitchen sink.
Depends on how much their father is prepared to give you. Surely the children are his and your responsibility not everyone else's.
mmm....interesting views and clearly 2 ways to go. personally i think if you want to go back to work to stop people thinking that your a single mum and just claiming benefits because you cant be bothered working, then that's no reason to go back, stuff them....its nothing to do with them and people will always have a moan about it, they dint know you and they certainly don't care and poss even jealous as they have to work and you don't. ... on the other hand...if you ant to go back to work to keep some sort of sanity and go back because that's what you want then good on you...that's your choice and I'm sure your kids won't suffer because of it as plenty of parents work because they have too as well as they want to. your still a person and not just a mum.
as far as benefits go, working 16 hours a week entitles you to claim working tax credits who will also pay majority of your child care cost providing the child care is registered, so that would be a bonus. seek advice from local job centre or give this number a ring, Tel: 0800 88 22 00 its the benefit enquiry line and should be able to advice on what benefits you may be entitled too.
good look in your quest
The cheapest childminder is 拢3 an hour per child, that's 拢9 an hour only for childcare. I interviewed one childminder this week and she could tell me the horror story of her life, wasn't a bit interested in my daughter and had her 2 mightmare children running all over my house who should have known better. Now I am staying home to make sure my little girl is not abused and thrown under someone's roof to get money of me without caring for my daughter properly. No-one will ever do as good a job as you so just forget it while the children are so young and enjoy your time with them, no matter what you do you will be financially worse off and have extra work, travel, expenses and worry so forget it for a long while.
Good decent childminders charge around 拢7-拢9 an hour per child.
I returned to work when my daughter was 1. The state entitled me to daycare at a scale rate, (According to my wages plus child support). Example, i could earn 19,000 a year including child support. Which means i had to take a cut in pay, but my child care was $19.00 a week compared to $140.00 if i did not report my wages. I guess it depends on the state you live in, i was in rhode island at the time. Good Luck. Now my daughter is 12 and her before and after school care is $145.00 a week. I work full time an i went over the limit so i pay full price now. That plus rent and everything else, sometimes your better off staying home and getting full state benefits.
you will get help towards childcare,but they wont help you love your baby,i think youshould stay home a little longer,so child/children dont miss out,and you will miss out too
sorry to say this. but stay at home and look after your children. my daughter has 5 kids 6 to 14. and she cant even get a job as a child minder as it costs too much to sort her house out and pass exams etc. you would not be able to pay childminders. why do you want to go out to work? you are their mum and you need to be there for them. where is the dad in this relationship??
I not a single mother now but I once was and it was hard I did work and child care kicked my butt and it is said but you may get more help staying home. Why don't you look into watching children in your home I am from Philadelphia and childcare is outrageous and we have agencies here that will pay someone a 199. a week for a newborn til 12 months
178.00 from 13months til 3 years and so on. So look into local agencies.
The jodcentre plus are very good at working out what your entitled to also by going to them you get an extra 拢40 per week for 1 year as a thank you to you for finding employment also income support will give you 拢250 if you are expecting to be working for longer than 5 weeks also as a thank you but JP will work everything out for you and they are very friendly and approachable.
I really don't know that you will be financially better off by going back to work but I respect you for not wanting to sponge on the benefits system. I only wish that others, who were in an easier position than you, would take a leaf from your book and get off their backsides. I mean those who can't be bothered to work. Good for you for wanting to set a good example to your children and make a better future for you and them, you sound like a really resposible Mum!! All the best for your job hunting-sorry I can't help further. Just a thought-have you considered working from home for an agency or something like that? For your queries, contact Inland Revenue and see what tax credits and so on you would be entitled to.
see social
I love that term, ';Single Mom';. It's so much softer than ';unwed mother';.
I would suggest using a spell check program before submitting your resume to any companies. It bENEFITS you because the PRESENT job market is very competitive.
Also, don't push the ';single mum'; entitlement bit. Noone likes to pick up a single mum's slack because she HAS to go to daycare to pick the dear little illegitimate babies.
Single mum = will call off a LOT
with your youngest only being 8 weeks you should not even be contemplating going back to work. you need to be at home with your children until they are at least 3. when you back to work you will get working tax credit and family tax credit to help with childcare but it will not cover the full cost, you will also have to pay your own rent and council tax although you will get a 25 percent rebate if you are the only adult living there. by the time you have paid for travel, childcare, buying clothes etc you will probably be no better off. i suggest you use this time to get re-educated whilst your children are small so that when they go to school you can get a better paid job so you will all be better off. good luck to you xx
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