I've been a veggie for about 12 years now and I due to health issues I think that I will have to start eating meat again. My diets great! Organic, well balanced, no junk foods but I've been told that I'm anaemic and not absorbing enough soy protein. I just don't know what do to. Any advice???Vegetarian thinking about eating meat again - any advice?
Try eating fortified cereals with a glass of OJ. (for IRON)
Research other forms of protein.
Of course, anemia has nothing to do with protein.
Lose the processed crap. (soy)
Learn to cook with more whole foods.Vegetarian thinking about eating meat again - any advice?
Good idea, in spite of a lot of rhetoric, no plants provide the essential amino acids unless you get just the right combinations.
Start with mild meats such as mild tasting fish or some chicken breast. A small amount of meat, good seasonings and broth or gravy and your regular veggies. You can add small amounts of meat to about any vegetable/grain dish to give it extra protein.
Anaemia has nothing to do with soy protein, whomever told you that is a complete moron. Or did you mean that you are anaemic and not getting enough protein.
My first piece of advice would be to stop listening to whomever you are currently getting your information from.
Get a second and third opinion.
If you really do have it, you need to do something about it. Your diet is obviously NOT great. Eat more dark green leafy vegetables. Take an iron supplement until you can get your health back. I recommend Flora Health liquid iron supplement because it is made from actual food, unlike that other crap.
Remove things from your diet and lifestyle that hinder iron absorption, and increase those that promote it. See a list here on the page for Iron:
Soy protein is... not an issue. Processed soy is just as bad as all other processed foods. Soy beans are... beans, that's all.
Protein is everywhere, you cannot avoid it. A protein deficiency would mean a general lack of food. Amino acids are what our bodies use to 'make' protein from -- we don't need to eat whole proteins, but we can also break down proteins into amino acids - we do not use proteins, only amino acids.
How about eating Kosher meats only? Kosher meats dictate that the animal must not be fed hormones or antibiotics, and must be slaughtered in a specific way not to cause the animal shock resulting in adrenaline poisoning. Also Kosher meats are not allowed to be ';aged'; and are put through salt water to remove any left over veins and blood. In short, Kosher meat is healthier.
I've spent half my life being anemic and I only go veg when I feel really good and take lots of vitamins. I've had to have shots, during pregnancy, but mostly I listen to my body.
I only eat meat when the cravings get so strong, I dream about steak. I eat beans, protein and dark green veggies until I can't stand them, then I need a steak and a glass of red wine.
I don't feel badly about being a ';part-time'; vegetarian. It's a choice, but when my white blood cells attack the red blood cells, I have to intervene. I don't think soy protein works for everyone.
Anemia is not something that vegetarians alone suffer from. Many many meat eaters suffer from anemia as well. So meat isn't necessarily the cure to anemia. Try consuming iron rich beans and lentils, organic teas, nuts and seeds. And make sure you have plenty of vitamin C in your system to absorb it all.
DONT GO BACK TO EATING MEAT. uve already saved about 1200 animals!!! good for uu!!! why would u want to start back? if u arent getting enough protein then start eating more!!!
soy milk, edamome, tofu, boca burgers, etc..
they have 'fake meat.' eat that! its all soy and HEALTHY for u
dont go back to eating meat...not only are uu supporting the cruelty and death of animals but ur also going to lower ur life expectancy.
if you really want to start eating meat again to be heathly then just start eating it oocansionally becasue when i started eating it again after 2 years i almost throw up and got a really bad stomach ache because my diet wasnt used to the meat so just be careful
you body will not be used to eating meat, you will have to start off really slow, as in only one bite of steak, then work you way up.
Otherwise you can end up getting really sick.
Have you thought about taking iron supplements? I'm vegan and anaemic and I take Spatone iron supplement
try asking your local chemist or health food shop about supplements you could take first, and see if these help
why would you need to eat meat? you can plenty of iron from veggie stuff and soy isn't the only veggie stuff out there. try actual veggies, seitan and tempeh.
please don't eat it.
What does anaemia have to do with protein?
Soy isn't the only source of protein either. But by all means, start eating meat and see how you feel!
Anyone thinking about eating meat should watch the video on the page below:
There are alternate ways to get the iron or protein you need. Please explore other options.
I wouldn't. I had a cookie that had a little egg in it and i was sick for hours. your body may not handle it. anemia is lack of iron, not protein.
There are other foods that can restore your blood with iron and protein other than meat.
I too have been veggie for 12 years and recently found out I'm anemic too BUT my doctor is working with me. She recommends Floradix Iron. It's a liquid vitamin that is flavored with fruit juices so it tastes good and all you need is 2 tsp in the am and 2 tsp at night. It works wonders. It is a bit pricy but worth it. Whole Foods carries it and so do other vitamin shops and health food stores. My doctor does live blood analysis so I get to see my blood in action with my doctor sitting next to me explaining it all. It's great!
My doctor also said that the little tofu I eat isn't enough. It's not being vegetarian that made me anemic, it's my poor diet. It's my fault, I haven't been eating well recently (family stress, husband lost his job, etc...) I haven't been taking care of me or anything else, you should see how messy my house is, not to mention my life tsk tsk!
Protein and iron are related. She recommended I include a variety of beans in my diet with chickpeas as the base since they have the most protein. This has been easy, instead of tofu I throw beans into whatever I'm cooking (including the thai kitchen rice noodle packets I adore-that seems to be my favorite dinner) 1/2 a cup per meal has been working fine. Lentils are also high in protein. My doctor swears that this will NOT cause me to gain weight either since I will be giving my body what it needs to function and it will actually use this protein. Carbs turn into fat if you eat too many but protein is what your body uses to build muscle so unless you gorge yourself on it you won't get fat. Unlike meat, which has fat in it (literally, you can see it!) beans are a great sourse of protein without the ';extras'; you don't want or need.
Seitan also has TONS of protein and can be sliced and tossed into anything. Those little veggie deli meats (tofurky, yves, etc...) also have more protein that you'd imagine and are still pretty low in calories. Any entire box of veggie deli ';meat'; usually has only 300-350 calories and has 2.5-3 servings. Take a look. You don't have to give up on tofu but you do need to (excuse me) ';beef up'; your protein intake.
Meat is the lazy way out, just read a little and make a conscious effort to take care of yourself, you deserve it! There are options-a-plenty for you. I'm in the exact same situation as you are and in 2 weeks I turned my diet around and I'm already feeling better and have stayed the same weight even though I'm eating quite a bit more.
One last things, my doctor tells my my diet needs to follow the 5-3-1 plan. It's in ratios, 5 is the protein, 3 is carbs, and 1 is fat. I love veggies so that's not an issue for me. Good luck, you can do this without resorting to eating dead animals! I believe in you!
start with dishes that have small amounts of meat in them. like say,some pasta with meat sauce. also, i have a vegan friend who sometimes accidently (gets convinced to) eats meat when she's drunk. this kinda warmed her up to the idea of consuming it sober
? why would you not eat meat? that is just silly stupid!
to all the stupid people that think you are saving animals by not eating meat....trust me someone else will eat them, including me... so you are not saving sh!t
Anemia is from lack of iron, not protein. But a bloody piece of steak has both and is oh so yummy.
eat meat thats what chickens cows birds turkeys and other animals are here for so eat meat
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